#FemmeFriday: Up your BF's Style Game!
Here at BMS, its all about men's fashion, but I can never forget about my girls. That's what brings me to this post. It's come to my attention in recent weeks that a lot of super stylish girls (aka bad bitches) are parading around town with some less than stellar beaus. At least when it comes to the style department. So I've decided to take matters into my own hands. It's #femmefriday on BMS ladies, and we're rolling out with 4 SURE-FIRE Steps to getting your beau's style on par with yours.
First things first. If you've got style, I can only assume your man's must have some... even if its hidden away down deep (sometimes way deep). So this post's not about creating style, but cultivating it. To do this, you'll need to catch his interest, feed his ego, penetrate his closet, and show him off.
Let me guess, your boyfriend not about that life, or really doesnt care about fashion like you do, or even worse; simply hates it! Guess what, 9 times out of 10, it's the people who hate fashion the most who are the most (what I like to call) style-stuck in their ways. Flashback to a certain scene from 'the Devil Wears Prada'. You know, that scene where Meryl Streep's character reads Anne Hathaway for filth and goes on and on about how fashion is essentially a trickle down effect that begins at the couture house and ends at the bargain barn, but I digress. Long story short, you're boyfriend's got a sense of style, and now it's up to you to develop it. If you want, that is.
STEP #1: Catching His Interest!
No one knows your bf the way you do. (I hope) Use this to your advantage. Good style comes in many different forms. Use specific interests to suggest different looks and articles of clothing that relate to today's trends on a level he can relate to. Does your man like the gym? If he does, he's on trend. Athletic wear has made it's way from the gym to the runway in collections from everyone from JCrew and Opening Ceremony to high fashion houses like Givenchy and Emporio Armani.

STEP #2: Feed His Ego!
Now that he's interested, feed his ego. No matter how unaffected he acts, everybody likes to hear how good they look. Find the things he does right with his wardrobe and compliment him. The key here is to be sincere, he'll know if you aren't. Follow your compliments with suggestions. "Babe I love it when you wear those pants. There this shirt I saw on BoyMeetsStyle.com I think would go great with it."
STEP #3 Penetrate his closet!
Alright, his ego's fed and full, he's feeling good. Now its time for penetration... Of the closet, I mean...
Don't depend in suggestions alone to get the job done. Do him a favor and gift him some pieces, but don't over do it. Casual shopping trips and unexpected gifts will not only help to feed his ego, but fill up his closet with as well.

STEP #4: Show Him off!
Okay, he's feeling good, and looking better, but now what can you do to get him to really care. Show him off! So maybe the average girl doesn't want to parade her guy around town like a piece of meat, but in this instance it works. Compliments from you are one thing, friends and family are another, totally strangers get the job done. I don't care who you are, making fans is addictive. Once your guy realizes that being known for good style, means being respected for it, trust me, the style tips'll be coming from him. (#kanyedresseskim)

Incorporate these 4 easy steps and slowly watch your man go from style-stuck to style-star. Remember, it's not about changing him, its about changing his wardrobe! Keep me in the loop. Do you have a bf that has a style all his own? Let me know on Instagram by hastagging #bms!